Datasources Settings

Archive Settings

In the Datasources page you can enable/disable the archiving function and choose where to locate your archived files. Email archiving is automatically set up when configuring email connectivity. The default archiving location is on the internal storage, this can be changed to an external CIFS or SMB source. Automatic archiving can also be enabled in this page. All archived cases will be list down on Cases page.

Archive Location

To archive to an external location, please enter the location in UNC format with forward slashes: //server/share_name and its corresponding username and password. Please make sure the archiving credentials contain a user that has “write and create” rights on the share. If you want to archive to other shared storage than CIFS or SMB, please contact your reseller. When setting up an external source with incorrect credentials, the appliance will default the archiving to local storage.

Archive Settings

Choose whether to automatically archive the files by selecting ‘yes’ or ‘no’. INDICA will archive files older than the chosen years (default: 7). If you allow INDICA to move the files, they will be removed from the original location and moved to the archive location.