Table & List View

Since version 11.0.0 of INDICA it’s possible to switch the document results between a list view (as you’re used to) and a table view. List view is the standard view when opening INDICA. If you want to switch between the two, you can click on the button for ‘table’ or ‘list’ just above the search results.

List view

If you’ve used INDICA before, the list view is what you’re probably used to. Here you’ll see the data listed per item, the information provided per item is set up by case managers.

Table view

The table view is new in our platform. The first time you click on the table view, it will only show the size and the title of the document. However, you can view whatever information of the document you want. Just click on the select bar and it will open a list of items you can view from documents. Clicking on the eye icon will open the previewer for you.

Table view (with flipped table)

If you have a lot of items selected in your table view, it might be hard to have a good overview of the item. There’s also a possibility to flip the table if needed. This will give a vertical overview per item, instead of the normal horizontal view. See image below for an example.