
Here you can find many of the tools that INDICA has to offer. Main purpose is to audit the documents.

Switching Views

Depending on the document type preview has multiple ways of displaying different content. To switch between these views you have to click on one of the sidebar buttons in the previewer sidebar.

Data Lineage (Tab)

A new feature in INDICA is the possibility to find the so-called single source of truth when dealing with duplicate information. When this feature is enabled in the manage interface you can select a part of text within documents. A button “Show data lineage” will show up, see example below:

Clicking on this button will open a new tab in the previewer called “Data Lineage”. This will give an overview of the query results for the previously selected text. Within this view you can click on the titles of documents to open them in another browser tab.


Due to the way iframes work the button will show up at the top of the preview. This means that selecting text in (for example) some e-mails the button will show up at the top of the preview.

PDF Controls

When you open a PDF some extra control option will appear.

  1. Allows to collapse and hide thumbnails on the left side

  2. Lets you rotate the document clockwise or counterclockwise

  3. Lets you zoom in/out

  4. Resets the zoom level

Document Actions

Documents will have different actions you can take, each of them will be described in detail below.

  1. “Download original” - downloads the file original non redacted copy of the file.

  2. “Download OCR” - downloads the OCR’ed file (if available)

  3. “Analyze” - a smart action that analyzes the document contents and searches for related items in the index.

  4. Tagging - Allows to tag individual documents. Read more: Tagging individual items

  5. Redacting - Allows you to redact the document before exporting it. Read more: Redacting.


Redacting allows to hide parts of the document and download the redacted version.

You can start redacting by first enabling Redact Mode with “Enable Redact Mode” switch. Once Redacting is enabled you can drag your cursor to mark areas to hide. All the newly created selection will show up bellow the action buttons. You are able to delete them if you click the “recycling bin” icon.

Once redacting is done you can take few actions:

  1. You can save the document, so when the document is opened next time you also see the redacted version.


Original non redacted version of the document is still kept and available for preview

  1. You can delete the redacted version of the document.

  2. You can download the redacted version of the document.


Allows changing creation date for any of the documents. This is especially useful when a document has been digitalised, and has lost its original creation date.

Searching in documents

It’s also possible to search within the preview of the document. Searching in a document will highlight the keywords within the document.

The highlighted keywords will be yellow. The current highlighted keywords, which starts with the first match, will be orange. Clicking on the up- and down buttons next to the search bar will bring you to the next highlighted keyword. See image below for an example.