Filtering and Daterange

AND/OR filter

Since INDICA v11.0.0 it’s possible to choose at the top of the sidebar for a switch with the options ‘AND’ and ‘OR’. This means that you can select multiple filters within one category.


Please keep in mind that you should not think of AND / OR in the strict definition of the words, but the meaning of them in queries.

Eg. Let’s say you decide to select two filters in the category Type: image and pdf.

  • OR When selecting the image and pdf filters with the OR active, the search will give results for both image documents and pdf documents.

  • AND When trying to select both types with the AND filter, you’ll notice that this is not possible. Trying to do this would result in documents that are both an image document and a pdf document, which is not possible.


If you’ve used INDICA before, the daterange graph might look slightly different than before. This is because the “Apply” button is gone. Now, when you click and drag your mouse over the timeline, it immediately sets the filter the moment you let go of your mouse. To clear the date range filter, click on the clear button next to the timeline, or the yellow badge with the ‘yyyymmdd’ text underneath the search bar.