Admin Manual Overview

INDICA aims to provide you with a powerful data discovery & document review tool in an intuitive and user-friendly manner. For you to better set-up and manage your data-related activities in INDICA, it is important to familiarize yourself with its main administrative features. This manual outlines INDICA’s administrative capabilities and walks you through how you can best use it as system administrator.

Note that this manual is created based on our demo environment, your actual interface might differ slightly from the screenshots below;

There are different types of INDICA systems. The INDICA Enterprise Search System will label ‘Cases’ as ‘Tenants’.

Login & Credentials

INDICA uses a web-based interface, you can easily log in with your administrator user credentials.

admin/gdprpics/Logins.png admin/gdpr/img/1Login.png

Admin Panel Overview

The INDICA admin panel consists of two main operating interfaces, which are ‘Admin’ and ‘Manage Cases’. You can find the navigation tabs on the top right side of the interface. Click on the tab and you will be navigated to the corresponding interface. This manual only contains knowledge of ‘Admin’ interface, please refer to ‘Case Management’ documents for more information on case management.

  • Admin: System settings, user settings, case set-up.
  • Manage Cases: Case specific settings, case logs and case report.

On the top of INDICA Admin interface you can find a list of tabs which will navigate you to the corresponding function pages, including the Home page, System settings, Search & Index settings and Datasources settings. Click on the tab and your will be directed to the targeted page.

